Mr Sandman

A difficult day! We overslept this morning and it was a mad scamble to get on the road. We followed tha A1 as far as Kemsey before cutting away on a minor road to the coast. We even saw 'roos tiday! Everything was qoing swimmingly until we asked the lady in the bakers where we had lunch for some route advice. She persuaded us not to take the intended road but, instead, to take the coast road which was 'unpaved' but ok to cycle. Well, it turns out that 'unpaved' means 'where they do the destruction testing on Land Rovers'. At one point, and this is not an exageration, we had to push the bikes for 3 miles including through 2ft deep sand drifts. We were knackered, low on water and 110.5 had popped up as the temperature. It was grim! Although never really in any danger it sort of made me realise how people end up dead in Australia. We are older and wiser and will act accordingly for the rest of the trip. We are in Port Macquarie, ...