Love in the first degree

This is yesterdays blog which dissapeared into the ether.  The day in numbers:

Miles ridden: 88
Hills climbed:  chuffing loads
Maximum temperature: 106.7
Litres of water cosumed: 6
Wees taken: 0
Giant bananas passed: 1

So, in summary, a long, hot, hilly day.....but with a giant banana.

Last night we went to an 'eat all you want' chinese buffet.  Things were going fine but as we were tucking into tenths the manager came out and begged us to leave.

The day's ride started with 50 wonderful miles on a quiet backroad over rolling hills to Coffs Harbour, home of the giant banana, then it was back on the A1 for a fast, efficient but dull 38 to Macksville.  We stayed in the Star Hotel, a lively spot by the river and THE place to be in Macsville on a Saturday night.  They even had bouncers.

We are taking  bets on what the next 'giant' thing will be.  My colleagues reckon my guess has no chance!

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.


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