Ruby Tuesday

Last night we have found a cunning loophole in the Spanish 'no dinner until midnight' laws.  Our apartment is close to a shopping mall which seems to have some sort of exemption from the normal rules of Spain.  On the upper floor is a food court where we found restaurants open and happy to serve us food at 6:30.  We had pizza.... not very Spanish but did I mention it was open at 6:30?

Nick rocked up at about 9pm.  Lorraine, we now discover, is pushing 74 and looked like she had wafted here from Luton Care Home rather than paradise. So we are now at gang of four until David joins us on Saturday.

Today we went for a ride.  It was a simple 'there and back' ride along the coast with a loop up into the hills which, on paper, looked like a piece of cake.  Getting out of Malaga requires 5 fairly poor miles, with the same on the return.  The other 40 were nice BUT there was a bit of a hill.  It was 5 miles long and mostly bottom gear...nothing terrible for anyone who has trained but that doesn't include me. 

We got back into Malaga about 4pm and hit the cafe on the corner for some refreshment while trying to find more loopholes in the dinner laws. What we found was a restaurant that appears to have no obvious exemption from the rules but, instead, has just decided to flagrantly ignore them.

So, here we are waiting for our food and this is the point at which I reveal the link to the song.  It is Tuesday and....drum roll...are having a curry*!!!

*readers from the colonies should google 'cockney rhyming slang for curry'.


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