Rock Lobster

Last night we finally got 8 hours of good quality sleep and we set out this morning in high spirits.  After a few miles along the coast we turned inland and the scenery changed dramatically - suddenly we were in rolling green hills with patches of woodland.  It was very lovely but quite hard work with a long series of 300 foot climbs.  My two companions seemed unaffected but I found them very sapping.

An opportunity for lunch came back on the coast in Byron's Bay.  From here it is only a short detour to the lighthouse that marks Australia's easternmost point.  So I sent the other 2 to take a photo while I had a leisurely lunch.  Byron's Bay is a hip and happening place,  full of surfer dudes, hippies and other wastrels.......I didn't like it!

We are now in Ballina and I can finally explain today's song.  If you have ever read Bill Bryson's Down Under you may remember his fascination with Australia's giant fibreglass creatures used for advertising.   Well.....Ballina is home to the Giant Prawn.  Impressed huh?

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.


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