Down Under

Now that the turkey has been digested and blood is seeping back into my alcohol system I am faced with the gloomy prospect of a couple more months of miserable weather before the new cycling 'season' starts.  For the last three winters I have hidden from a good chunk of this in New Zealand; a wizard wheeze but it is time for a, I am off to Oz.

Australia is a big place so don't go expecting any 'end to end' nonsense.  Instead I am riding the 'civilised' Pacific coast from Brisbane to Adelaide (still a chunky 2000 miles) taking in Sydney and Melbourne along the way.  Pleasingly this will be my 3rd 'Pacific Coast Highway'. 

I have two chums for the trip: Neil who has accompanied me on several previous adventures including both of last year's biggies, and Chris who is another Bike Adventures tour leader.  As usual, I will be the least fit of the three so you can expect some whinging from this particular Pom.

We leave on Jan 25th and start cycling on the 27th - I hope you will join us by following these witterings.


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