2000 Miles

So, day 1 of our 2000 mile journey is done.  We arrived in  Brisbane mid-evening on Tuesday, with just enough time to re-assemble bikes and pop to the 'pub' (see Ozzie Dictionary).  This one was actually the local bowls club bar.  The rest of the world will be completely unaware that Tueday was Australia Day - a national holiday - and so were we as the number of drinkers in the pub was....... 4.....the 3 of us plus Ash.  Now, if you were a passably pretty 23 year old girls drinking alone in a pub and 3 smelly, travel-stained old men walked in what would you do?  

What Ash did was puĺl up  chair at our table and tell us her life story.  Admittedly she was completely smashed!

We slept well but too briefly and started our journey.  It was mostly fantastic.  We followed a spiffy little cycle path along the river out of Brisbane and then spent much of the rest of the day on cycle paths or, at least, dedicated cycle lanes.  We really are pitifull at this stuff in the UK.

Once we got to the coast we got the full 'ozzie lifestyle' experience - beaches, surf, yachts and ocean-front homes.  We rode through Gold Coast, now a fair sized city serving the throngs wanting sun, sea and sharks.

We are now in Kingscliff rehyrdating and have found another, hopefully Ash-free, bowls club for tea.  They even have a quiz night!

Ozzie Dictionary

I thought it my be usefull to teach you a few words of Ausralian:

PUB:  a large betting shop with a drinks licence.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.


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