The Heat Is On

An exciting day....the first where  Neil has not had a puncture!  On the other hand, I missed having a little sunbathe while he sweats, heaves and curses trying to fix it.  I suppose I could lend a hand but..........

Last night we had  magnificent steaks; they were priced at 31 dollars  but with a 10 dollar off deal.  For reasons we don' t begin to understand they ended up costing just 17 dollars....9 quid!!  This helped to off-set the eye watering price of the beer.

Our day started with an ocean voyage across the Clarence River, which we then tracked all the way to Grafton.  80 pan flat miles in temperatures that peaked at 103.5.  We all found it tough and we hope that we we soon adjust to the heat.  Today was our first experience of the dreaded A1, the main non-motorway artery running south.  It waan't the lovliest riding but there was a generous shoulder and the miles passed quickly.  

We got into Grafton in the nick of time as the heavens opened.  We are now rehydrating on the veranda of the splendid 1909 Marina Hotel listening to the rain on the tin roof.  The forecast for the weekend is el scorchio with knobs on.

Ozzie Dictionary

BEER:   a liquid similar in some ways to British beer but only if you think of 1970s vintage Double Diamond and, judging by the price, made using tears of fairies.  Alcoholics here are held in very high esteem as it requires enourmous wealth to become one.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.


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