Stay on These Roads

You will be aware that I am burning through the really well known A-Ha songs fast; soon we will be down to the dross that only scraped into the top 40!

Normally I see what the day brings then find a song to fit but now I am forced to fit the day to the song.  That's pretty easy today because the roads have been out of this world and staying on them forever would be a pleasure.  The scenery continues to be beyond the range of superlatives but today the road itself was an absolute joy.  Smooth, twisting and with enough gentle climbs to keep it interesting......all with the backdrop of rugged towering mountains, glistening fjords and picture postcard inlets.

The last drag onto Svolvaer (a biggish town) was less spiffy but there was a good bike path.

OK, that's all the soppy stuff done, back to business. 

Norway is one of those infuriating countries where everyone speaks perfect English, everything works, the food is beautifully cooked and you never see a speck of litter.  In other words the complete opposite of Britain; I suppose you could say....drum roll...the POLAR opposite.

Bonus Track- Matchstalk Men and Matchstalk Cats  and Dogs

Another significant difference between Norwegians and Brits is their size.  They are a tall people but the most noticeable thing is the almost complete absence of lard.  Maybe it's the fish diet, or all that Nordic skiing but the average Norwegian packs a lot less timber than their British cousin.  Of course a beer belly is a completely unaffordable luxury here so that must help.


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