Now That's What I Call Music

Brilliant Mistake

10 days of A-Ha songs was hopelessly over ambitious.  Nobody has heard of anything else from Morten's back catalogue and, anyway, the rest don't remotely fit what I have to say.  So it's back to normal from here on.

A Growing Boy Needs His Lunch

One of the Norwegians in our group lives on our route (in fact the whole ride was conceived by him) and, yesterday, he and his wife entertained us all for lunch in his garden.  His house sits on the side of a hill with uninterrupted views along a fjord and, with a hot sun and clear blue skies, the setting could not have been more perfect for an al fresco.

Unfortunately, he built his house in slightly the wrong place, meaning that when they all left at 14:30 they still had 60km to do and the mercury was up to 28 degrees.  The last ones didn't roll in until 7pm but, judging by their soggy cycle shorts, they had detoured for a dip in the sea somewhere.

Happy Hour

Our accommodation was in cabins at the head of another fjord with superb 270 degree views, a nice deck and, crucially, a kitchen with a large fridge/freezer.  As hot tired cyclists drifted in the group of drinkers expanded and it was quite the party.

Building A Bridge to Your Heart

At regular intervals we must cross bridges between the islands and this is a cause for some trepidation.   Basically each bridge is a sodding great hill with nowhere for a cyclist to hide.  They must grind up in bottom gear at 4mph, sometimes persued by large trucks, then scream down the other side at 40mph.


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