Now That's What I Call Music

I'm So Tired

Have you ever seen photos of troops heading back from the front?  They have a stooped posture, a blank expression and the 'thousand yard stare'.  Our last 4 riders arrived at the hotel yesterday at 6:30 looking exactly like that.  Our drummer was so bolloxed that he asked for lighter drumsticks and our keyboard player could barely pick out 'chopsticks' with 1 finger.

I had been drinking beer for 4 hours when they turned up and, with hindsight, may not have been as caring and supportive as I could have been.

Follow You Follow Me

When cycling in company there is a convention that each rider takes their turn at the front, creating an area of calm air for those riding behind.  Actually, it is more of a law.  Sadly, some (ok ONE) of our group hasn't seen the memo.   At the moment this is just causing silent festering resentment but watch this space.

The Wind

It kind of goes without saying since I haven't been moaning about it but the wind has been surprisingly benign.  The mornings are calm and in the afternoons it only gets up to about 10mph.  After our experience in 2020 when we battled 40mph head winds this is  very welcome.  


Today we have ridden from Gairloch to Ullapool....57 miles, very few of them flat.  

Knock Three Times

This one is for Dawn, one of our more dedicated readers who likes to catch up on this bollocks over her morning coffee.  Thanks for your support Dawn but you really should think about how you are spending your life!


  1. Do all your band members read your blog? Katie


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