Now That's What I Call Music II

Liquor Store Blues

An essential part of our support kit is a small electric cooler which ensures that when we arrive each afternoon there is a cold and affordable libation waiting for us (a pub in Ullapool wanted seven quid for a pint!!).  Stocks were running low so before leaving Thurso I popped to Lidl for a resupply.  I soon discovered that shops in Scotland are not allowed to sell alcohol until 10am.  What?  WHAT??

So getting shitfaced at 10am is fine but if you want to get shitfaced at 9am you have to stock up the day before?

I went back to the hotel and waited an hour.

Go Your Own Way

With 3 route options of differing lengths our group was spread thin today.  Naturally I took the shortest route and managed to get to Helmsdale just after 1:30.  The others arrived over the following 4 hours.  My ride was just 42 miles and was blessed with a tailwind for much of the way and I still found it surprisingly hard work.  I think I may have to go and see the quack when I get home :-(.

So far our lead singer and tambourine player have ridden the longest option each day and will be the only ones to actually ride the NC500.  

Give Peace A Chance

We find ourselves drawn into hotel wars in Helmsdale* where we are spending the night.  The village is small and can practically only sustain one hotel but has two.....similar in size and quality (poor) and directly opposite each other.  For reasons that I cannot recall I had booked 3 rooms in one and 2 in the other.  The 3 room guy is pissed that we didn't book all the rooms with him and the 2 room lady is equally pissed for the same reason.  It seems the two places have a long running feud that we have only fuelled.

This was a situation requiring consumate diplomatic skills.....not exactly my strong suite.  I have placated Mr 3 Rooms by having  the others come here for dinner and breakfast and I am simply hiding from Mrs 2 Rooms.

*Gandalf is coming round later to let off some fireworks


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