Julia's Song

As some readers will know, Plum is no longer Chard's most eligible bachelor.  The lovely Julia has taken on the job that Social Services would otherwise have to do....making sure he changes his pants once a week whether they need it or not and loading routes onto his Garmin.  We are all very grateful to Julia, especially Chards most eligible bachelorettes who can get back on the dating scene now Plum is safely off the market.

As we were starting our trip Julia fell, dislocated her foot and broke her Tibia so she is probably missing Plum more than usual. She has insisted that the show should go on so thanks for being such a trooper.

Today was another with a shortcut that promised to turn a very hard day into something more manageable.  Some of our group took the high road and others took the low but I had a more cunning idea.....get in the van.  Whatever is ailing me, long covid or acute spinelessness, reached the point where pushing the pedals just wasn't fun so after a spectacularly slow 10 miles I hopped in the van.

We are staying in Kinlochbervie, a stunning location overlooking the village and harbour, in a hotel run by an actual Scottish person.  This is more remarkable than you might think.  We were talking to the owner of the Locharron Hotel (English naturally) who said he recently attend a conference for Scottish hoteliers.  He said that of the 90 attendees just 3 were Scottish!

Tomorrow we are facing 91 miles in heavy rain with a largish headwind.  Bugger.


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