Crying In The Rain

I wrote this last night then managed to delete it and really couldn't be bothered to start all over again but Plum insists.

Firstly.....a big thank you for the outpouring of love, sympathy and support as I battle my cycling demons.  It certainly gave my self-esteem a boost to read all those supportive comments.  Thanks also to the spelling Nazi who took me to task for spelling 'ailing' incorrectly.  You guys are the best.

Yesterday was never going to be easy at 91 hilly miles but strong headwinds and rain turned it into a real ball-breaker.  Not for me obviously; I was in in my new home-from-home (the van).  They plugged away, their heads hung low and an occasional tear dripping onto their garmins but it wasn't pretty.  The last of the band rolled in at about 7:15 looking less than happy and we delivered a very short set comprising classic covers of I Can't Stand The Rain, Nobody Said It Was Easy and I F*&@ing Hate Cycling.

Up until yesterday we have been surprised by the lack of traffic generally, and camper vans specifically but they were out in force yesterday.  Most were courteous and patient but there were enough dicks to add an extra layer of hassle.  Spotting an oncoming vehicle and deciding which passing place to hide in is extra tricky when you are trying not to look forward!

We are in Thurso and today we will, mercifully, reap the benefit of strong northerly winds as we turn south.  The 'official' NC500 route goes via John O'Groats but there are degrees of short cut depending on how small one's testicles are.  I'm doing the very shortest which is just 41 miles but at least gets me back on the bike.  Even that may prove hard work....we will see.


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