2 Become 1

It was an early start to get to Heathrow by train on a train strike day.  I arrived in good time, checked in early and was at the gate a full hour before departure, where I sat patiently waiting to board behind everyone whose pricier ticket or exalted status gave them priority.  Eventually the dregs were called and I presented my boarding pass to the machine which sad 'no'.  I sought assistance as instructed and was told that I had been offloaded from the flight!!!

There was no clear explanation but it seems that somehow they had decided I was a no show and had removed me from the manifest.......and my bags from the hold.  I got a bit cross.  To cut a long story short there was much tapping of keyboards, muttering and sucking of teeth but eventually I was allowed to board.  Obviously, there is absolutely no connection between any of this and my 2020 victory against BA at arbitration over my flight refund!

 I landed in Seattle more or less on time and Dom kindly collected me from the airport after his long but rather lovely drive taking the scenic route from LA.   We will room together for the next month and learn each other's disgusting habits in minute detail; my wife thinks that Dom is getting the raw end of this deal! 

Since he has agreed to be tagged in these posts I suppose I should explain a few things about this blog for Dom's side of the family:


1/  The title for each entry is a song.  The song (or sometimes the singer/band) connects in some way to the content of the blog.  This connection is usually obvious but sometimes bloody obscure. 


2/  Very occasionally instead of a song it is an album title.  This is not cheating….my blog, my rules!


3/  To get the song connection it helps enormously if you are a white British man whose musical tastes were forged in the decade that started around 1976 (though clearly I have gone a bit off-piste with today's song)


4/  It is customary for people who cannot work out the connection between the song and the content to keep quiet rather than admit their stupidity.


5/  The blog lacks correctness…political and every other kind (including spelling  If you are easily offended then prepare to be offended.

To celebrate my arrival Dom took me to the nearest decent pub where two beers cost TWENTY SEVEN DOLLERS.   God Bless Merica.


Legal disclaimers:


The opinions expressed in this blog do not necessarily reflect those of Dominic Cassidy or Global Bike Adventures Limited.  Heck, they often don't even reflect my own.


This blog is based on true events but situations, conversations and characters may have been changed or invented for dramatic or comedic effect.  This creative literary device is sometimes known as 'writing utter bollocks'.




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