Just The two of Us

It is a whole year since Neil and I last cycled together and things have changed….massively.  It turns out that Neil isn't gay after all.  Somehow, and I can scarcely believe it, he has found himself a girlfriend!!!  Unlike my wife who, after almost 40 years of marriage, is quietly thrilled at the prospect of a couple of fart-free weeks of peace and quiet, she would probably rather he stayed at home but….here we are snuggled up in the Lenny Henry Inn, Gatwick North. 


Instead of a stupidly early start from home tomorrow morning, we can gorge on the 'all you can eat' breakfast then stagger across the road into the zoo that is Easyjet bag drop.  I will photograph my breakfast and show the picture each morning to the hotel staff.  I will encourage them to compare the groaning plate of hot dead things with the stale pastry and little pot of thin jam that they have placed in front of me. 

It is my assumption that Lenny Henry has never tried staying at this particular Premier Inn with a friend and 2 boxed bikes.  'Snug' would be one description but  'sodding cramped' probably better sums things up.  At least now that I know Neil isn't gay I am less concerned about the proximity of the beds!

Tomorrow's entry will be composed from 20 miles outside Lisbon. I'll probably write it while waiting for the restaurant to open so be prepared for a loooong one!⁰




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