No Sleep Till Brooklyn

I appreciate that everyone is sick of hearing about our escape from Townsville but just one postscript:

My wife just sent me a message to say that Townsville has finally made the UK news.....because there are crocs roaming the streets!!!!

Today we rode from Landsborough to Gympie and it was lumpier than my mother's gravy.  Or rather the 1st half was.  We even had a 15 percenter which got me sweating and swearing.  The 2nd half was on the old Bruce Highway (the main highway until the motorway was built) which was smooth quiet and very lovely.

Gympie shall I put this?  It's a bit of a dump.  It has some splendid buildings from a gold rush in the 1800s but appears to have been slowly dying ever since.  No matter, we have found the local RSL (a bit like the British Legion) and have ordered hot dead cow (last night's bbq never happened because the supermarket had no cow).  There is a bit of paperwork to get signed in and there are lots of rules ( I once got denied entry for wearing flop flops) but they do good food at fair prices.  At 6pm every evening they have a minutes silence and play the last post.....I approve of this!

Our motel is about 3 inches away from the main highway and every time a truck goes past the plaster flakes off the walls, so we might have a beer or two with our steaks...purely to help with sleeping you understand.


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