Wonderful Wonderful Copenhagen

Cycling long distances across the flat wilderness is excellent training......for cycling long distances on the flat.  Unfortunately we are now in quite hilly country and all that training is counting for little.  Today was up and down like a stripper's knickers and the miles came hard - 76 of them for anyone who gives a rat's.  

Road conditions have changed, with quite a lot of traffic (mainly camper vans and cars pulling caravans) but still the odd road-train to keep us on our toes.  As soon as we see one approaching in the mirror we check ahead for oncoming traffic.  If there is none we just brace for the blast of air as it pulls around us; if something IS coming we get off the road as fast as possible and cower in the ditch.  

The roadkill 'Big Three' has now changed and cyclists are top targets :-(.

We have been paralleling the coast and  are now in Walpole (population 460).  Tomorrow we turn north for the last push up to Perth. 

After several cool, overcast days the sun has its hat back on and highs are in the 30's.  Tomorrow is looking like a sizzler and we have the hilliest day of the trip to look forward to.  Bugger.

The song?  We stopped for sausage rolls in Denmark.


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