Warriors of The Wasteland

Today we met 4 lads from Argentina coming the other way.  They are doing much shorter days than us, so we sneered and mentioned the Falklands.   The silly sods are taking a year to cycle round the whole of Australia, which makes what we are doing sound positively sane.

There can be no doubting that we are now truely on the Nullarbor Plain because the views go on forever (though there is diddly squat to see).  We did a modest 90 miles, mostly with a slight tailwind, and are now in the next roadhouse - a much smarter affair with a restaurant and bar.  If we can find anyone to buy one of our kidneys we may be able to scrape together enough money for a modest supper.  When your nearest competitors are 90 miles east or 115 miles west there is no great pressure to keep prices keen!  If not I suppose it will be ants and biscuits again.

We continue to add wombats, kangaroos and rabbits to our zoo but today we introduced some sort of grey owl and a dingo.   We also passed a sign identifying the region's 'Roadkill Big Three'.  We already have two of them but are desperately hoping for a camel.

Tomorrow we have 115 to do.  Gulp.


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