Stuck In The Middle With You

Strength, stamina and dogged determination - that is what it takes to read this blog!  If you have stuck with us this far you really are made of the right stuff, but might want to re-evaluate how you are spending your life.

We are in the middle......not quite of the trip but of the Nullabor.  There is approximately the same amount of bugger all ahead of us as there is behind us.

After our day of magnificence yesterday, today was more or less a rest day with just 48 miles to do.  We were up at something o'clock (we never did sort the time difference out) and were soon through the quarantine checks and into Western Australia.  For some reason they seemed particularly concerned about international honey smugglers but once we assured them we were honey free they waved us through.  While they were checking us I think I saw some bees fly past and I could swear they were sniggering.

The 'tree de jour' was Cups and we still have tomorrow's shoe tree to look forward to.  We finished by 11:30 so we are lazing, cleaning chains, catching up on laundry, writing this twaddle and generally trying very hard not to settle in the bar.. ...yet.

Tomorrow....err.....well.....we have a bit of a cunning plan.  The next roadhouse, 72 miles away, enjoys particularly bad reviews even given the extremely low bar.  So we are going on to the next one.....another 56 miles.  Yes, a 128 mile day.  BUGGER.


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