The Whole Of The Moon

Today's ride:  one road, nothing to see and hot as hell.

Ok, if you want the gorey details......... today was scheduled as an easy flat 57 miles to Port Augusta  but we we failed to factor in:

1/ The wind was bang on our noses at 15-20 mph for every inch of the way
2/ The temperature peaked at 42.5.

It was hard.  Chuffing hard.  It took 5.5 hours.

However, in amongst all the misery and muttered swearing there was a high spot.  About 15 miles from the end we stopped in a pull-out for a brief rest and Neil, who was running low on water asked a truck driver if he could spare some.  The truck driver said that he was sorry but didn't carry any.  We lazed for a bit and the driver left.  As we were setting off another truck pulled into the layby and passed us a bottle of water.  Apparently the call had gone out on CB radio and this guy had driven 15 miles out from town just to help us!!!!!  It is things like this that I treasure from my expeditions.

We made it to our motel and I was excited to see it offered a pool.  I dumped my gear and headed over for a cooling dip...........the pool appears to be used for storing liquid nuclear waste and was full with a thick greeny/brown sludge.  I had a shower.

Thanks to Tony D for updating me on our Iguana collection.  It turns out they are Goannas which, like every living thing here, will try and kill you given half a chance.  We got two more foxes today and now have rather too many.  We are contacting other Virtual Roadkill Zoos around the world to see if anyone fancies swapping a Giant Panda or White Rhino for a couple of foxes. 

We have now opened out Kangeroo enclosure with several specimens ranging from fresh to skeletal.

Tomorrow we are looking forward to 98 miles with the prospect of 40mph side winds.  Bugger.

PS you need the band again for the song connection


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