The House of The Rising Sun

Stupid jet lag!  We were up again at sparrow's fart and watched the sun rise on a day that promises to be in the mid 20's.  Tomorrow we are being promised mid 30's which might be a tad warm.

Yesterday was one of those freak days when we  had a fair tailwind for the whole ride.  We hoisted mainsails, set cruise control at 20mph and settled back to enjoy the 'view'.  No-one could describe southern Australia as scenic but if scrubland is your thing then it is the place to be.  We were on the Eyre Highway, a main trunk route with plenty of traffic, but everyone gave us a wide berth and the miles rolled by with satisfying rapidity.  So much so that we reached Port Wakefield by 1pm.  Check in wasn't until 2:30 so we lazed around on the lawn sipping lemonade.

On our trips we often set ourselves a goal to assemble a virtual something from what we spot on the side of the road.  Once we built a car and another time we created a full toolkit.  For this trip we are building a Roadkill Zoo (my song de jour is by The Animals....clever huh?).  So far we have 2 foxes, 2 barn owls and a cat.  The zoo is open for visitors but we obviously hope to add many more exhibits over the coming weeks.


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