Holding Back The Years

The song is irrelevant, it is the band you need.

After a full 80 mile day in heat that peaked at 36.8 degrees, our tans are coming on a treat.  When I say 'tans' I naturally mean the closest the English ever get.........scarlet! 

By the end of the day I had gone to defcon 5, with factor 50 and a UV filtering skull cap but I am still doing an excellent lobster impression.  Tomorrow I am going to cover myself in axle grease and wear a burkha. 

Our ride can be summed up with a short sentence that I suspect I will be able to copy and paste for all the days that follow.....'one road, nothing to see and hot as hell'.  This may not sound like much fun but the whole point of this trip is to take on the challenge of tough riding in tough conditions. At our coffee stop the owner of the kwiki-mart  was so incredulous when we told him our destination that he had to come out and inspect our bikes.

We saw our first roo today.  He hopped alongside us for a few hundred yards and I was left with the distinct impression that he was trying to tell us that someone was trapped down a mine.

The Australian Virtual Roadkill Zoo is pleased to announce the opening of its new Reptile House, complete with an impressive collection of Iguanas in varying states of decay.  We also have a 3rd fox and a 3nd cat. 


  1. Yes it's a boring drive but after Streaky Bay you can take side trips to a very scenic coast. On a bike those side trips could muck up the schedule (unless it's a headwind day). They're not iguanas, they're goannas. If you see a live one be a bit cautious. They can bite and they can run at 40kph.
    Good luck. Tony D.


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