Here Comes The Summer

The great thing about having travelled to New Zealand so often in the last few years is that the flight to Adelaide seemed like just 'popping round the corner'.

Despite an almost critical shortage of engines, we arrived safely and soon had our bags and bikes and were out in the car park re-assembling everything.  For Neil, this involves taking every single thing out of all 4 panniers, strewing them over an area the size of a tennis court, then generally farting around achieving very little for a out 6 hours.

Naturally, I said nothing and waited patiently and eventually we had 2 fully working and loaded bikes and set of for the short 3 mile ride to our betting shop (they call it a pub but it is really just slot machines with a bar at one end and some rooms on top). We had burgers and a few ovaltines and hit the sack.

After a fitful night's sleep we are up and about at 6am and watching the sun rise on a beautiful late summer Sunday. 

Time for work.


  1. Great to have more updates on Grumpy's, have fun and keep the sarcasm coming..... Stay safe

  2. Keep on cycling. Looking forward to next blog.


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