Down Under - Disco Remix

2 years ago we rode 2000 miles from Brisbane to Adelaide.  It was a terrific trip and we got a great feel for the 'civilised' east coast but, having been an avid viewer of Skippy and The Flying Doctors,  it wasn't quite the Australia that I had a mental picture of.  On Feb 23rd we are returning to Adelaide to fix that!  We are picking up where we left off, joining the Eyre Highway and continuing another 2000 miles across the Nullarbor Perth. 
The science fiction writer, Kim Stanley Robinson, once wrote: "The distinguishing mark of true adventures is that they are often no fun at all while they are actually happening".  I suspect this might sum up what we are in for rather nicely.
For the benefit of the many (OK....2) people who worry about me, there is nothing dangerous about our plans!  There are enough places to stay and sufficient passing traffic should we have an emergency........but that is about it.  We will have some long days (several well into triple digits), few services and temperatures more suited to roasting a turkey than riding a bike.
We are travelling as light as we can manage, or at least I am.  Neil will, as usual, have huge piles of crap bungeed to his bike and this is an essential part of my 'keeping up' strategy.   In addition to our kit we will need to haul 10+ lbs of water on some days, so luxuries like soap and spare pants have been jettisoned. Deciding what to wear each morning will be laughably simple: same kit as yesterday or nothing. 
It is still unclear whether there is any phone data coverage (or indeed voice coverage for that matter) for much of the route so blog entries may come along like buses. 
We start riding on Sunday so I better go and weigh out my toothpaste; we hope you will tag along!


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