Maintenant c'est ce que j'appelle la musique deux

Forgive me Father, it is three days since my last confession.

Sex and Drugs And Rock and Roll

After steaks the size of our heads in Epernay, we struck out next morning for an 'easy' 70 miles to Bar Le Duc.  They turned out to be a bit less easy, not helped by an afternoon downpour, and we rolled into town at about 3:30 tired and ready for a 'lie down' (yes, I mean a cold beer).

It turned out that it was music festival weekend and everywhere (especially the campsite) was packed with dreadlocked vermin.  We COULD have camped there but it would have involved drug taking, loud music and carnal relations with hairy French girls.  Now I like drugs and rock music as much as the next man but hirsute French girls are a bridge too far for me!

So we got back on our bikes and did another 10 miles to a nice quiet village where we mended Neil's broken spoke  (I keep telling him he has too much gear but he won't listen) and had another steak...... which was a good deal smaller than our heads.

The Oldest Swinger In Town

We are slowly catching up....hang in there!  Yesterday we rode a heroic 88 to Luneville - site of a chuffing great chateaux.  Our campsite was right next to the chateaux grounds and we could hear live music coming from just over the hedge.

It was Sunday and it was France so tasty fermented beverages were not to be found anywhere in town, but it occurred to me that even the French couldn't have live music without beer so we went for a look.  It was very odd.  3 young guys were belting out covers of rock and roll anthems while an audience of septenagerians strutted their stuff.  Thank goodness for artificial hips and Tenna Lady is all I can say.

Oh yes, we got a beer.

Ride of The Valkyries

The band shut up at 6pm and we eventually managed to find a restaurant that had forgotten it was Sunday and accidentally stayed open.  We snuggled down for a VERY early night not long after 8pm and slept like the dead..... until 11pm when a loudspeaker announced an hours recital of classical music.  Bugger.

Blitzkrieg Bop

We are now in Strasbourg and steeling ourselves for our invasion of Germany where there will be toilet seats (good) and cucumber for breakfast (very VERY bad). 

We are about 1/3 of the way with 650 miles on the clock.


I forget to mention.....several days ago we went past  place called Chez Fanny.  I assume it was a brothel!


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