A Song For Europe

Although I have had a year filled with cycling, much of it has been 'repeats' and not deemed worthy of a blog.  On Sunday it is time for me to start this year's big trip....and for you to endure a more or less daily blog entry.
Earlier in the year I researched a new Bike Adventures route from Paris to Prague then on to Berlin - a splendid trip, but just not quite epic enough for my main annual adventure.  The solution is to incorporate this into a 2100 mile 'grand tour' of Europe.
Starting from my home we will cycle to Dover and cross to Calais then on to Paris.  We then follow the BA route to Berlin via Prague before returning via Rotterdam and Bruges to Calais and then back to my home.  I will be accompanied by Neil (aka Plum) which will ensure I get a good work out of the legs during the days and the right arm during the evenings.  We plan to camp whenever weather permits and find cheap hotels when it doesn't. 
So, if you are French, German, Czech, Dutch or Belgian get ready for some abuse.
This is actually a song by Roxy Music and not the alternate name for the Eurovision Song Contest.  I found a Youtube clip of them performing this live from 1979 and have decided that Brian Ferry may have the worst singing voice in pop history.


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