Video Killed The Radio Star

I am late filing this entry - no particular reason other than a lack of commitment.  It seems that God isn't quite as pleased with me as I imagined.  He served up a big wind which started from the side but ended up bang on our noses for the last 20 or so.  Slogging away flat-out at 10mph isn't half as much fun.
We made it to Ft Myers and went to an excellent sports bar for yet more burgers and IPA - an almost perfectly balanced diet for athletes such as us.  Merican sports bars always have lots of TVs but this one set a new record of 40 (I didn't use the toilets so there may have been more).
This morning we were up early for a quick breakfast and a 13 mile dash to the ferry terminal and I am writing this from the poop deck, waiting for take off.  The ferry is a pedestrian catamaran that does the 120 miles to Key West in about 3.5 hours........I am wondering how many times I can vomit but feel that 20 should be easily within my grasp.
When we get off we are promised another headwind gusting to 30mph, intonwhich we must cover 32 miles.  BUGGER.


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