Never Go West

The song is by Seasick Steve.....enough said.  The sea was rough and it was touch and go whether my breakfast was going to reappear..
The song would have been MUCH better if it had been Never Go East.  The ride from Key West is fairly easterly and the wind was on our noses for 32.3 miles.  I counted every tenth.  The Keys are probably lovely but I spent the afternoon looking at my front wheel.
Although we didn't have much time to dally,  Key West looked like a nice place.  Very laid back and Caribbean in style and I suspect you are never far away from a party.  We cycled out past Merica's most southerly point and started on route that is basically endless causeways and bridges linking a few small islands.  Tomorrow we are promised a SEVEN MILE bridge!
We have a big day ahead of us....108 miles and the prospect of more headwinds.  Buggering buggery  bugger.


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