Hasa Diga Eebowai

This morning we stopped for a cold drink at a gas station and I found an abandoned Book of Mormom.  Or at least it LOOKED abandoned, but I believe that it was God's will that I should find it and become a follower of the faith. 
I have tried reading it and it is utter bollocks.....but I have just had a quick peak at the Gideon bible in my motel room and when it comes to writing bollocks the Mormons have some stiff competition. 
So I am now a Mormon.  Tomorrow I will go and get my teeth whitened  and choose some more wives but I have already found a couple of drawbacks:
1/  Missionary work really eats into beer drinking time, and
2/ The special underwear is a bit warm for Florida.
The song de jour is taken the stage musical 'The Book of Mormon'.  If you are not easily offended and can see the funny side of all religions it us well worth going to see. 
Last night we got tasty fried chicken from the local supermarket and sat outside our motel room watching the traffic roar up and down the main highway.  We also counted wagons on the goods trains - Plum reckons he got to 183.
Today was an el scorchio 70 miles and we are now just north of Daytona Beach at, thanks to another tailwind, 2pm.  Even with missionary work that should leave enough time to get shit-faced!


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