La Marseillaise

I had planned to file a blog last night but:

1/ After 102 miles and what turned out to be 6000 feet of climb I was too pooped and

2/ I had just caught up with the news and it didn't feel like the time to crack jokes at the expense of the French!!!  

How on earth does any society protect itself from radical zealots who aren't afraid to die?  (I have some ideas but should probably keep them to myself).  I found the choice of weapon particularly chilling - at least guns and bombs are harder to come by!

Not that anyone gives a toss but I am in quiet rural France and in absolutely no danger.  As hinted earlier, yesterday was a ball-breaker, and I retired to bed laughably early to nurse my broken balls.  It will give you some idea how tired I was if I tell you that I left a can of beer unopened!  On the other hand I did eat 8 Creme Caramels (you cannot buy small quantities of anything in LIDL).

Today is a new day.  The sun is shining and after about 30 somewhat lumpy miles I joined the Canal du Rhine.  50 flat miles bimbling along a towpath have brought me to the very edge of France.  I am in Huningue, about 50 yards from the Swiss border.  From here the route is known to me, but only heading the other way.  Unfortunately turn-by-turn instructions are not easily reversed so I must note every turn and junction 

Tomorrow I enter the rule-based German speaking world.  I suppose that means cucumber for breakfast :-(

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.


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