This Will Be The Last Time

My steak last night was excellent.  Don't worry, I did have some veggies too.

On Sunday we are due to stay with a friend on the outskirts of Melbourne.  Our itinerary makes the day to his house a chunky 90 miles and he lives up in the hills so it would also require a fair climb.  We decided that we would try and stretch today to shorten the next two and it was the perfect opportunity - lovely flat terrain and a decent tailwind.

We were magnificent.  I have never ridden 117 miles with panniers before (and never will again, hence the song) but here we are, rehydrating in Yarram a full 45 miles past our scheduled stop.  The terrain really did its bit to help; yesterday we climbed 6000 feet in 70 miles, today it was less than 3000! I am now a teeny bit pooped but glad to add this to my meagre list of heroic rides.

My Melbourne friend has sourced a new front brake so I just have to manage for 2 more days using the toes of my shoes as brakes!

Ozzie Dictionary

Pie:  similar in concept to a British pie except they replace all the gravy and ground-up ears with real chunks of meat.  As in New Zealand, these little beauties can be purchased from virtually anywhere that sells food....and many places that don't (fishing tackle shops are a good bet)

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.


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