Now That's What I Call Music Volume 3

Forgive me Father for it is over two days since my last confession.


After our 117 mile day we were feeling pretty heroic but next morning it was a very different matter.  We only had about 65 to do and it was a very good job because I was weak as a kitten.  Hills were taken at walking pace and, with the thermometer back in the hundreds, it was a sobering reminder that there is still a fair way to go.

In The Middle of The Night

Our destination for the day was Yarram, a very small town which, it turned out, was staging its annual show.  In other rooms available.  Bugger.  We have been hauling tents for 1300 miles for just such an emergency so put up our erections in the town 'tourist park' (camp site).

I have no problem with camping but was unprepared for the nocturnal sound effects.  At some point in the night a possum came sniffing round the tents and there was a whole orchestra of other noises to keep us on our toes.  At dawn a Kookaburra started up from about 5 yards away and I nearly fouled my sleeping mat.

You've Got A Friend In Me

Yesterday we pressed on to Melbourne where we are staying with Barry and Mary.  I worked with Barry 13 years ago so we had a bit of catching up to do.  Barry drove out to meet us and relieved us of our panniers, more useful than we expected as it turns out he lives half way up Mt Everest.  

Yet again we have been made welcome, fed, allowed to trash their bathroom and had our fetid rags restored to fragrant lovliness.  

We arrived early enough to head downtown where the annual St Kilda festival was taking place.  Basically this us is a huge beach party for the young and beautiful (so we fitted right in ;-) ).


I have a new front brake!

Baker Street

Ozzie Dictionary:  Bakery

A shop, usually run by Vietnamese, that sells all the things necessary for cyclists to live......except beer.  It is possible that they sell bread but i have honestly never looked!

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.


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