A Little Less Conversation

I have been on the road for over a week now and, as of yesterday, hadn't had any conversation beyond brief exchanges to procure food and lodging.

Today this all changed.  Over breakfast I heard English voices and found two fellow cyclists making their own, more leisurely, way to  Budapest.  We had a good old chin wag, so much so that I was late getting on the road.

Then this afternoon I passed an 'old friend'.  Partly because she was young when almost every other rider is old, and partly because she was was very pretty, I had noticed this girl as I passed her each afternoon for the last few days.  Today I slowed alongside and had a chat.  She claims to not really be a cyclist but is riding from Passau to Budapest and back (well over 1000 miles).  She is 23, travelling alone and wild camping on a budget of 5 euros a day.  FIVE.  I am gobsmacked  by her courage and self-belief  but worry for her safety.  Also, after buying beer she will have almost no money left for food! 

What else?

Today I saw the world's most Austrian man.  He looked like he was auditioning for the role of 'really Austrian bloke' in the remake of the Sound of Music.

Oh yes, 'Needstodoapoo Man' is hanging in there.  I am managing to hobble about and today made it past the flowers and charcoal to the fresh produce aisle.  Annoyingly the booze always seems to be in the furthest corner so I have just bought grapes and will try and make some home-brew wine.

Talking of grapes, I am in the Wachau valley - home of the least awful Austrian wines.


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