Red Red Wine

‎I'm still trying to balance out my observations on France so here is another positive one.

A bottle of vino in restaurants here is no less expensive than blighty. From about 14 quid. Given that they make the stuff and there is MUCH less booze tax this seems unfair but they at least offer a more economical alternative. The 'pichet' is a wonderful thing - a carafe of plonk, decanted from a bloody great vat and sold at about 4-5 quid for a half litre. When you consider that a large beer (again half a litre) can be anything up to 6 quid this makes it all the more magical.

Needless to say 'et un demi rouge' is the logical ending for every dinner order!

Today is a lovely flat 80 through the woods south of the Loire. Yesterday's epic through the scorching farmlands took its toll and everyone is enjoying the cooler weather and more varied scenery. Having done my half I have set up my command post in a layby in the woods......thank goodness we aren't in Italy where such behavior attracts dirty old men looking for a good time!

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the EE network.


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