Always The Sun

‎Today was the big hill and 108 miles so my slower group of riders decided it would be a good day for multiple extended rest/meal breaks. They set out at 7am and finished at 8pm. It was my turn to ride the afternoon shift and I was a great big hot hungry grumpy old Hector when I got in. The shade temperature hit 35 celsius but of course we weren't in the shade. We rode on a lengthy stretch where the tarmac had meted which didn't exactly improve progress!  My brain has been lightly poached in sweat and suncream and I REALLY want a sports drink.

We are in Villefranche de Rouergeue, 2 days from the Med......oh sod it......i'm going for a beer.

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the EE network.


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