
‎I appreciate that many of you will have already  heard the following theory but yesterday was a slow news day and, anyway, it is something that needs formally recording.

Why is it that Johnny Foreigner is so good at speaking English while‎ we are so pants at foreign languages? The answer is actually very simple......English is the natural language of the human species. At the genetic level there is an Oxford English Dictionary encoded in our DNA. So all we need is a couple of years exposure to our parents singing Baa Baa Black Sheep and suddenly we can speak English. Presumably foreign babies have a hell of a time trying to learn a ridiculous made up language when really all they want to do is let the english come rushing out! Once they get to school they have two English lessons and bingo.....fluent english.

Thanks to the above we have had no difficulty making ourselves understood for the last week or so. Now we are in Italy I can throw my 7 or 8 words of Italian into the pot and things are even easier.

Yesterday we did a measly 36 miles, passing through Trieste and onto the pan flat shelf that will lead us to Venice. The temperatures was even higher and we were glad to have a short day and a laze by the campsite pool in the afternoon.

Today we are off to Venice but we have awoken to spots of rain. I am sitting in my tent writing this drivel and have refused to come out until the sun shines!

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the EE network.


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