O Sole Mio

‎Or, more properly, the Cornetto song.

Yup, we are in Venice. Yesterday was a VERY flat day but qcuite dull. We stopped in a grotty little cafe at about 50 miles for refreshment and realised Venice must be close when the bill for 2 small stale beers and a coffee was 11 quid.  

In contrast, our campsite last night was smart, well run and inexpensive......probably because, with 24 to choose from in the area, competition is fierce. We very much enjoyed the little evening show laid on by the entertainment staff‎. It was aimed squarely at the Germans who make up 95 percent of the inmates but delivered in a sort of esperanto comprising Italian, German and English....often in the same sentence.

I have delayed sending this entry in order to include the obligatory photo of a gondola. Unfortunately we now discover that bicycles are forbidden on Venice island so we have had to skirt it by means to two ferries. I saw the place 32 years ago so it is no loss! I stole the photo from the Interweb.

We now have another flat easy 40 miles before we start heading into the Alps. I have been casually saying 'and over the alps' when describing this trip for months but the reality is starting to sink in. It is going to be a bit tough. Gulp.

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the EE network.


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