Handbags and Gladrags

‎Last night I mislaid my hotel. I set out in search of a bucket of the Colonel's  finest and completely lost my bearings. 'Why didn't you just ask for directions?' I hear you ask. 'Why didn't I make a note of the hotel name?' I reply. 'Wasn't it on the room key?' you counter. 'Yes but I only remembered this when, half an hour later, I got back to my room' I sheepishly admit.

Today was a stinker. 20mph winds from the North West.... guess which way I was heading. To make matter even worse there is nothing on the flood plain to act as a wind break except the dykes. Guess where the cycle route mostly runs? Yup, on the top of the dykes. It was 9 hours in the saddle without any breaks other than a pee stop. Tomorrow they are forecasting 30mph winds - that may be too much!!

Despite having been on the road for a week now, including 3 days at around 100 miles, I have no leg aches at all. This says much more about the flatness of the terrain than my cycling prowess. The ride each day is still tiring but the recovery is faster and more complete than‎ when having to slog over hills.

What has the song to do with this entry? Well, it is the theme tune from the office and the photo is of my office desk.

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the EE network.


  1. By the way, to those of you who are wondering why I have TWO satnavs - one is a backup. I also have a 3rd backup backup in my pannier!


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