Captain Fantastic and The Brown Dirt Cowboy

‎So far I have dodged anything more than an odd shower but today it set in for a good old rain. Not torrential but when you are out in it for 75 miles it gets everywhere. A particular problem is the need to be taking route notes and the solution to this is to dictate into my phone. The only problem is that it was cold enough to need gloves but these prevent the use of the touch screen. The solution turned out to be pressing the stop/start record button with my nose. The screen got a bit snotty and I attracted some odd looks but it got the job done!

‎I have scarcely been more than 100 yds from the river all day and have wriggled past Bonn and into Cologne. I am staying in the city centre and fortunately have a room with a radiator and my shoes are slowly drying while emitting an unusual fragrance. The trouble with cycle paths is that, in the wet, they throw up colossal amounts of shit which has ‎coated my shoes, bike, clothes and pannier. The clothes have been washed and I have located a hose in the hotel car park so in the morning I will hose down the bile and pannier. Ah, the life of the touring cyclist.

Tonight my tea promises to be finger lickin good!!

Yes, I KNOW it is an album title not a song. Couldn't give a rats.

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the EE network.


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