The Only Way Is Up

Welcome to Stewart Island.  From here the only way really is up (north) - there is nothing between here and Antarctica.

We were looking forward to a nice easy last day but NZ had other ideas. We woke to heavy rain, temperature barely into double figures and a whopping wind from the South West.....guess which way we were heading?

It was 75 miles and we fought for every inch of it.  Eventually the rain cleared and temperatures improved slightly but the wind just blew and blew.  But we made it and, after the obligatory photo under the sign and a celebratory sports drink, we boarded the ferry. Well....err....when I say ferry I mean dinghy.  I was expecting a proper ferry but this was definitely a boat not a ship.

Small boat.....choppy sea.....guess what?

We have a private room in a hostel and now need a shower and more sports drink.

We rode almost 1600 miles in 23 days with no rest days.  Given the terrain and the heavy gear this probably equates to 23 consecutive flat 100 milers and I am pretty happy with the achievement.  It is good to no longer have to say that I have ridden MOST of the length of NZ.

Tomorrow we intend to find and eat a Kiwi.


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