Fix You

A trying day!  We were staying in an 8  bed dorm at the YHA so we did our very best to wake all the backpackers as we rose and packed for the day.  While getting the bikes ready mine fell over and when we set off I discovered that I had cracked my carbon handlebar.  Bugger.

The bike was rideable provided I put no weight on the right-hand end so we set off into 20 miles of North Islands very finest hills. Buggering bugger.  Although it was difficult  getting enough leverage on the bars I struggled over the hills and eventually is became slightlylesshilly (a Maori word that is the closest thing they have to the word 'flat').

In Whangarei we found a bike shop and I purchased some new bars and we spent a happy hour in the shop fitting these and getting everything adjusted.  It was then a fairly easy blast down highway 1 with just the logging trucks for company.  We are staying in Waipu, coincidentally in the same pub I stayed in 2 years ago.  Price of a camping pitch? 10 quid per head.  Price of a twin room in the pub?  15 quid per head.  No contest!

The photo is of a group of (mostly Maori) do gooders who are marching to the cape to protest about plans to drill for oil there.  It seems the Maori oppose just about every initiative to develop the country, its infrastructure or economy.

Tonight we on a quest for pizza.  Oh yes, and beer!


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