These Are The Days of Our Lives

Researchers at King's College London have just wasted a good deal of time and money establishing that there is little physical difference between cyclists aged 79 and those aged 55 if they maintain similar levels of exercise (
They could have just asked me and then spent  a few months down the pub drinking the research grant!  Over the last 4 years I have met cyclists of all shapes, sizes, abilities and ages but it is regularly those that should be at home watching the grass grow that amaze me the most.  For example:
Ø One of our tour leaders who is now in his late 60's but can still churn out a 200km sportive in around 10 hours.  Just a few years ago he completed the Paris-Brest-Paris (1200km in less than 90 hours!!!)
Ø My nemesis from New Zealand - Frank Burns - who rode over 21,000 km last year.  I don't actually know how old Frank is but certainly older than me!
Ø A customer who recently rode Land's End to John O'Groats to celebrate his 80th birthday...he had also ridden it for his 70th.  I offered him a 50% discount on a trip for his 90th on the basis that he must pay now and there are no refunds.  Inexplicably he declined.
We regularly get riders in their 60's and 70's who can outride the youngsters and  I can honestly say that in  each of the years since I took up cycling I have felt fitter and healthier than in any of the preceding 25.  I am looking forward to another 25! 


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