
A bit of an odd day today.....our first for some time without any encounter with the emergency services.

We had a laughably short day because of a problem with availability of our target hotel. On this bit of coast (Big Sur) accommodation at sensible prices is hard to find so we have had to stop short by 25 miles. This gave us less than 30 today but will require, gulp, 94 tomorrow. To make matters worse they will be hilly. Bigger gulp.

We left Marina for the short cycle path ride to Monteray where we wasted time on the wharf watching sea lions and pelicants before riding '17 Mile Drive' to Carel. This scenic route follows the headland from Monteray to Carmel past Pebble Beach golf course and some of the most gob-smacking real estate you could imagine. 'That's a big hotel' said one of the group. 'Yes it is' I replied, 'but it is actually a p‎rivate house'.  

With the combination of perfect weather, spectacular views and outrageous wealth it is one of the coolest 17 miles you can ride bar none.

We are nnow in Carmel where Clint Eastwood was once mayor. It is swanky and VERY expensive but quite fun.With such a short day we were done by lunchtime and we are wasting the afternoon by the pool. Although quite relaxed I ‎can't help the occasional worry about how 94 hilly miles in 100 degrees is going to feel. Final gulp.

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the EE network.


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