Now That's What I Call Music!

There are just too many songs to use just one or two so a whole album of monster tunes:

I Fought The Law

Apart from being located right next to Highway 101 our RV Park distinguished itself by having the longest and most vigorously enforced set of rules we have ever seen.  NO PIT BULLS...fair enough.  NO MOVING OF THE FIRE PIT....OK I suppose so.  LAWN SPRINKLERS MAY BE TURNED ON AT ANY TIME......oh come on!!!  And so it went on.  You have never seen a more law abiding group of campers yet a 300lb gorilla in a shirt emblazoned with SECURITY made sure we didn't take the piss.

The road was really very loud indeed.  We all used ear plugs but it was still a noisy night.

Car Wash/Isn't She Lovely

I must soon say goodbye to LM2.  Just writing this makes me well up and I don't know what I will do without her but I couldn't let her go to a new man in her current state.  $13 and two Mexicans later she is absolutely spotless, with hoovered carpets and cleaned glass.  God bless minimum wage illegal immigrants!

In The Navy

We headed out through Oxnard, a naval college town.  There is nothing else to say about it but how else am I going to get In The Navy into the blog?  One day there will be GOM The Musical and it absolutely MUST include a Village People hit.

I'm a Barbie Girl

It's a tenuous one but we then went through Malibu and Malibu Stacy was a sort of spoof Barbie Doll from The Simpsons.  Malibu is basically just a small seaside town but houses starts at several million dollars and go higher than you can begin to imagine.  Here is the pad that John Paul Getty owned in Malibu.

I've Got a Brand New Pair of Roller-Skates

Next we arrived in Santa Monica where the rowt takes to the beach and for many miles the riding is on a paved path through the middle of the beach and is shared with joggers, roller skaters and roller bladers.

Everyone seemed to enjoy this and there were Californian babes and hunks for every taste.  Don'y you just wish they all could be Californian?

Highway To Hell

While the punters were enjoying the bikinis and/or posing pouches I was piloting LM2 on the interstate.  Don't hold me to this but I THINK at the maddest point there were NINE lanes of traffic in each direction.  It may have only been 8 but that really is nit-picking. 

All I Wanna Do

I didn't actually see the sun come up over it but today I drove on Santa Monica Boulevard....oh yes AND Sunset Boulevard.

Good Intent

...but a hell of a lot better in a Best Western.  The song is VERY obscure but it works so I don't care.  WE ARE NOT CAMPING.  We are in the LA sprawl and there isn't a blade of grass or open space so camping just wasn't an option.  WHOOOOPEEEEEEE!  I have transferred all the dirt in my clothes, shoes and kit to the hotel room's bath, walls and carpet and I am now lovely and clean but a bit cross that they have given me such a dirty room.  Alan is desperately scanning TV channels for football but so far no luck. WHOOOOPEEEEE.

2 more blogs and it will all be over.  What do you mean 'good'?  Bastards!


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