Puff The Magic Dragon

Hi, me again. This is the report for Tuesday 18th, but filed late because there was far too much searching for lost people and general buggering about yesterday.

So Puff The Magic Dragon? We spent much of the day frolicking in the Autumn mist. After several days of glorious sunshine we were shrouded for much of the day in sea fog - a common occurrence in these parts but a bloody nuisance nevertheless.

Our route followed the coast around Willapa Bay through Raymond (a one horse town where the horse has long since been made into glue) and then along the mud flats to Ilwaco. It seems the Bates family are expanding and now have quite a chain of motels, all equally charming.


We had a rider with sore knees and another with a shredded tyre, both at the back, who then vanished off the face of the earth. I spent happy hours driving up and down looking for them only to find that they had taken their own route and were back at the motel. Bugger.

Ilwaco proved to be gastranomically challenged so we bussed people to Long Beach (Washington NOT California....that comes later) for diner.
LM2 (aka The Hearse) is behaving, though appears to have marginally worse fuel consumption than the Space Shuttle. This is excellent and earns us much respect from the locals. It has electric side doors and boot lid and there are hours of fun to be had in pressing the buttons while humming the Thunderbirds music.

The camp site has wiffy but wants $4 for it so you will have to wait for photies.




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