Lazy Day

The Moody Blues one, not all that Enya or Robbie Williams crap.

It is our rest day and very little has been done. After a leisurely get up we had a brief trip to the beach and yours truely had a dip in the Specific (as we now call it). Anything that could shrivel or retreat into a body cavity did so - the rest just went blue.   We have a virtually private beach

 and our very own secret passage to it from our pitch:

very dingly.

Laundry has also been done and is now draped around the camp drying.  Unfortunately our pitch is very shady and we have to utilise bushes, the bonnet of LM2 and anything else that happens to briefly face the sun.  I got a bit carried away with laundry and washed my only shoes so we then had a barefoot drive into town to buy some flip-flips.  The rest of the day has been frittered away with cleaning out LM2, catching up on paperwork and a bit of reading.

The weather has been perfect with clear skies and highs of about 70 but the moment you get out of direct sunlight it is suprisingly chilly, so we chase the sun and sit at tables in other vacent pitches.

We have a group known as the Oregon RVing Women staying here - average age about 130 and more blue rinses than the Molly Sugden fan club.  The thought of these old dears driving chuffing great RVs is too scary to contemplate, though on reflection I am not aware that any of them have parked their vehicle in a ditch so I shouldn't really judge.

Alan is looking bored.....I had better call the fire brigade.  Actually, he is off to a bar to watch Merican football on the TV. Personally I woulk rather pull my toenails out with a pair of pliers.  Hmmm, that's an idea.....must go.



  1. I knew passages would come into it at some point....


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