When Tomorrow Comes

The man with the world's hairiest earlobes was back on 'duty' this morning (his duties being to screw everything up). I'm guessing he also makes the coffee that is served at breakfast because it was awful. The hotel had tried to hold then release payments so many times that they had hit the maximum transactions per day limit that Nat West imposes, rendering all means of payment impotent. They eventually allowed Dom to leave, saying they will charge the cards again after midnight UK time.....probably this will then re-trigger exactly the same problem. Our penultimate riding passed uneventfully until check-in when, you've guessed it, another screw-up. This time the hotel could only find 11 of our 14 reservations. My nerves really can't take much more of this!! My usual patient, tactful and diplomatic people skills paid of and after an hour of screaming, shouting and swearing, 3 more rooms were conjured into existence. Luckily...