Drinking in L.A

We are starting to entertain the very remote possibility that we will make it to the Mexican border! It continues to be an uphill struggle with mechanical and logistical challenges but we battle on.

On Tuesday night our hotel was several miles from restaurants so we cleared a few seats in the van and sent out the simplest of instructions......form yourselves into a group of 6 and another of 7, decide whether you want to go to the harbour or downtown and pick a time.  What could possibly go wrong?  We had groups of 4, groups where most wanted the harbour but others wanted downtown, both groups wanting the same time...........I finally got off duty at 9pm, another 14 hour day!

Yesterday we rode down through Malibu, Santa Monica and Venice Beach, the latter portion on a superb bike path through the beach.  Despite some heavy traffic in Malibu everyone enjoyed the day and we all arrived in Redondo Beach in high spirits.  Despite an already very high bar in terms of hotel incompetence, the Ramada really rose to the challenge and effortlessly took the podium.  While Dom did battle with a trainee receptionist who appeared to have escaped from a nearby asylum* the group went shopping for cold beer and a little party broke out in the hotel car park.  

18 hours later and the hotel has still failed to successfully take payment for the rooms and it looks like Dom may have to remain as security until they can work it out.  Bugger.

*I wonder whether scientists have done any research into the obvious link between low mental capacity and excessive ear hair?


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