Against All Odds

While dealing with the daily fires (metaphorical and literal) we have always been quietly worrying about the day into San Francisco.

Why? is a 100 mile day when some people can't manage 70, it involves 3 hotels in 2 locations  15 miles apart and the main hotel has no reception, instead relying on an app-based system to issue door entry codes. What could possibly go wrong?

Given our poor track record in imagining the unimaginable we didn't even bother to brainstorm the many doomsday scenarios.  Instead, we just dived into the day.  Dom bused a couple of slackers forward 50 miles while I rode with a couple more until it was their turn for a lift in the van.  We then joined up to launch our assault on the San Francisco hotel system and, bugger me, everything worked.....well nearly anyway.  

It was still a long day as the last riders didn't arrive until 6:30 it was after 7 when we were safely back in our hotel (in Sausalito on the northern side of the Golden Gate Bridge) pouring beers down our necks and giggling with nervous relief.  Our hotel was Indian-owned, which is not usually a promising sign, but this one isn't terrible and has an INDIAN RESTAURANT.  So off we went for a celebratory vindaloo.


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