With A Little Help From My Friends/Tired of Waiting (Double A Side)

Yesterday morning Dom assured me we were going to have a nice quiet day. It was to be our longest and hilliest thus far so my hopes weren't high. Breakfast went smoothly and by 8:30 I was shopping for breakfast supplies when the phone rang. A rider had managed to crash on a slippery bridge and, as well picking up some grazes and bruises, she managed to damage the electric gears on her 3 week old bike. 3 hours later, with the help of YouTube, I managed to get everything working well enough to get he back on the road but I was then seriously behind the curve. The rest of the day past in a blur of tearing back and forth on US101 to give the weakest riders a boost in the van over the worst couple of hills. I arrived at the hotel hot, tired and just a tad grumpy. The hotel looked pretty decent but the entry door was festooned with signs saying 'Absolutely no cats'. You develop a sort of sixth sense about these things and, sure...